May 2012

Italy’s Mediterranean Diet honours Michelle Obama

May 24, 2012
Thumbnail image for Italy’s Mediterranean Diet honours Michelle Obama

We all know that the Mediterranean diet is a way of living and that it all started in the Mediterranean Sea. Italy is part of the Mediterranean Sea and the Italian cuisine, Italian foods and recipes are all part, or a subset, of the Mediterranean diet. Olives and Olive oil is are basic components of […]

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World Hypertension Day and the Role of Mediterranean Diet

May 17, 2012
Thumbnail image for World Hypertension Day and the Role of Mediterranean Diet

Today May 17th we observe the World Hypertension Day, WHD. The theme for the 2012 hypertension day is ‘’Healthy Lifestyle-Healthy Blood Pressure’’. How appropriate for the Mediterranean diet! The Mediterranean diet is a healthy way of living that not only promotes Healthy Blood Pressure but, once followed, ensures that we have a healthy body and […]

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Pomegranate in the Diet – Facts and Figures

May 16, 2012
pomegranate in med diet

Pomegranate is a fruit that is part of many diets, since many diets contain fruits, and the Mediterranean diet is no exception. It is a fruit that is used in the Mediterranean cuisine and a fruit whose juice is extremely healthy and protects us against many diseases. The name Pomegranate comes from the Latin language […]

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Best Mediterranean Dishes

May 7, 2012
best Mediterranean disjes

It would be very difficult to find the best Mediterranean diet culinary dishes since ‘’best’’ is subjective and varies with each one’s criteria. One thing for sure is that the Mediterranean diet so rich and so diverse that can satisfy the most difficult follower. The med diet culinary dishes vary in size, taste, texture and […]

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