First International Forum on Mediterranean Diet

January 30, 2012

The 1st International forum on the Mediterranean diet will take place in Italy from February 19th till the 21st 2012. The event will be at Ravello-Amalfi coast of Italy and it is organized by the Patrimonio Italiano foundation. The event will have many scientific highlights of the Mediterranean diet and it is expected to attract the attention of many professionals in the fields of diet and health.

The forum will deal with the many beneficial effects of the Mediterranean diet such as: the benefits of whole grain and pasta on fighting heart diseases and how they affect the behavioural disturbance, how the Mediterranean diet deals with the limitation of the celiac disease, how the med diet helps in sports and finally it would deal with the comparison of Mediterranean diet with the rest of the diets.

The forum is addressed to several professions in the health and diet industry such as dieticians, epidemiologists, sport doctors, cardiologists, nutritionists and psychotherapists.

The forum has additional educational objectives and has the ambition to improve the knowledge of the participants in several areas with the main focus being the technical and ethical aspects of the dieticians’ applications, new or existing,
The scientific sessions and presentations of the forum will be divided in 4 distinct sections:

First International Forum on Mediterranean Diet

First International Forum on Mediterranean Diet

  • Mediterranean diet: In this section there will be presentations about all aspects that the Mediterranean diet helps or contributes. Such aspects include Mediterranean diet against cancer, against cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and aspects as to how the Mediterranean diet helps in weight loss and health.
  • Whole grains in health, physical and mental: this session will analyze the effect of whole grains on health and the psychology of social norms.
  • Celiac Disease: Sessions will cover the approach to the syndrome and how the med diet will help
  • Mediterranean Diet in Sports: In this section the sessions will cover how the Mediterranean diet helps in sports and physical activity.

This International forum on Mediterranean diet is expected to have a significant success judging from the current interest and it is a sign that more and more people have started realizing that Mediterranean diet, Mediterranean culinary cuisine and Mediterranean foods affect our health and well being in a more positive way than any other kind of diet.

Andrea Aurelio
About the author

Andrea Aurelio adopted the Mediterranean diet and the Mediterranean way of living after evaluating a series of diets and realizing that the Mediterranean diet is a proven diet and the best way to adopt a healthy lifestyle. You can connect with him on Google+, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

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